Friday, 21 February 2014

The New Cloud: Using Cold Chain Solutions To Your Advantage

Cold chain solutions come in many forms. Data loggers, software installations, process implementation systems, track and trace systems...and many others. The days of computers working independently in each facility are gone. The problem is that most cold chain solutions providers are still working in the old model. Installing software on a computer is the easy part. But what happens when you want to share that information with other employees, supervisors or regulatory staff. Is that data being backed up, compiled and analyzed over time to determine trends? Is the data secure enough to prevent from tampering? Is data collection conducted manually, how often and via what process? If you don't have answers to these questions, then you should consider other options.

It is how is the data accessed, secured, and managed that makes the difference. What sounds like a panacea for the world’s technology problems is really about better tools that allow for better management decision making. In the regulated markets, like pharmaceuticals or food, there are numerous benefits:

  • The cloud aims to cut costs, as capital expenditure is converted to operational expenditure. This lowers the barriers to entry, as infrastructure is typically provided by a third-party and does not need to be purchased for one-time or infrequent intensive computing tasks.
  • A cloud based platform helps the users focus on their core business instead of being impeded by IT obstacles
  • Because the cloud platform is based on common standards, data accuracy enables trust in the results, and can therefore be used for the analysis needed to make quick decisions related to loss, costs, or inefficiencies
  • It also allows for people to be more productive, by allowing for remote, automated data collection and configuration of monitoring devices. This is regardless of the cold chain solutions you have implemented. In other words, data logger brand is no longer the barrier to implementing cold chain solutions.
  • It may also allow for lower cost computer hardware and monitoring devices since the computing power can rest in the cloud
  • Operational costs can also by optimized by getting their apps up and running faster with no installations required or software updates/versions to manage.
The ultimate vision is that cloud computing will allow companies to decrease the overall number of data centers they must maintain (thereby slashing IT costs), while simultaneously increasing their computing capacity. A panacea for both cold chain solutions providers and the companies they support.

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